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Swiss Patek Philippe Replica

Experimental Watch Technology, is what we call our own watch laboratory. Robert and I quickly realized that we would need a lab with the necessary equipment to be able to study mechanical watches in depth. Each watch is a mathematical equation, with one unknown "x". We add it to the experiment when we find it and create something new. It's unique. Usually, there is a marketing plan behind the development, but as watchmakers this isn't our motivation. We are committed to innovation and preserving skills because we think the mechanical watch is a valuable part of the world.

Many people wonder if Swiss Patek Philippe Replica could ever match the performance of quartz watches. Before Einstein, no one thought that anything could travel at the speed or light. But now,Patek Philippe Replica we have the Large Hadron Collider. Accepting defeat is the fine line between acceptance and refusal. We always learn from a project, even if it is not completed.

You dedicate almost everything to accuracy, but then throw in some surprises like Art Pieces and the 3D globe of the GMT Earth. Is Greubel-Forsey disrupting the market?

Not consciously. Our work with tourbillons made us known for our precision, but we had many other projects that we wanted to pursue. Our personal travels inspired us to create our GMT. We were sitting on a plane, and looking at the 2D screen, where information is displayed as a line. Robert and I were looking for a way to see the time in a more realistic manner. When you see that your smartphone says it's 9.45pm,Breitling Bentley Replica Watches it requires your brain to process and position the information to calculate the time. You don't always look for the exact time when you are looking at a clock. With our GMT globe it's all about iconography. You can see from the North Pole that it's lunchtime in Europe, night in the US, and evening in Asia. No need to calculate anything. You just interpret it.

We were fascinated by the people who referred to a watch as "an art piece". The projects were avant garde and the goal was to determine if art and watchmaking had a clear boundary. We started with a micro-sculpture, which we created in collaboration with a contemporary art artist. Then, we produced our own micro-engraving. Art Piece 2 may be interpreted by an art critic as a "watch". But the time display can be hidden. Is it still a clock if no time display is present? We wanted to find out if there is a line between art and watchmaking. I'm not sure we've found the answer yet. But then, I don’t know if there is one.