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Richard Mille Replica

We have a team of dedicated people who are working on our movements. In addition, we work with many subcontractors. We never intended to make all components ourselves. You'll have trouble doing it that way, because the technology is changing so quickly.

It was a great success when you launched Divers Sixty Five in 2015. Did you expect the response it received?

It was made in 1965, as the name implies. The watch was not cheap because it was our first diver’s watch. This was a milestone in the history of the company and we decided to revisit the watch about five years later. We thought that it would appeal to buyers who were interested in vintage style, but never imagined it being so widely loved. It was a great combination of design and timing, but we were pleasantly surprised by the response.

Each version was as popular as the previous. I remember you showing me the green dial model in London, and I still remember what your reaction was. You wouldn't let me talk about other new things. It was great to see you react to it. You were the first person to see it.

Is it problematic to have one design dominate so much?

You have to be careful not to overdo it, which is why we keep introducing new models of the watch. It is important to not overdo things, so we are constantly introducing new watch models. It keeps the design new and special for our clients. We are fortunate to have other signature models such as the Big Crowns or Aquis. Our in-house movements are also thriving.

Richard Mille Replica has been working on ocean sustainability since a long time. Do you believe that corporate social responsibility is essential to every business today?

It is important, and those who do not see the need to give will have a problem soon. Sustainability is a corporate concern, and it must start with our raw materials, energy, and buildings. Now, it is important at all levels: for individuals and businesses.